Kaaba Door Wall Art In Lahore

Kaaba Door Wall Art in Lahore

kaaba doors

Kaaba Door 3 different sizes ...

Handmade use of pure Copper, Silver, And Brass Matel Clideing MDF board

Kaaba Door is a beautiful style with 3 different sizes available

even we make that all sizes and different styles for your lovely home ...

Kaaba Door small    32"x 42" x 1".6;

Kaaba Door medium    46" x 65" x 3"

Kaaba door large        72" x 120" x 3".1/2

Muhammad Amjad

We export manufacture good quality Antique woodcraft from Lahore Pakistan.

If any requirements pls send a message in wats app at +92300 3505066


Final word

; we hope this article helped you know about the Kaaba door detail. you also want to see -

we hope this article helped you know about(Kaaba door).you also want to see -

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  3. hand work is beautyfull kaaba door relly hardwork
